Dear Parents and Caregivers,
BNK is Back and Ready for 2025!
We’re excited to kick off the year with the launch of our inaugural BNK Spring Virtual Classes every Sunday morning for 6 weeks starting March 9! Early bird registration opens on Monday, February 10, don’t miss out!
If you have a child or know children interested in learning Filipino language, Philippine and Filipino American culture, history, community, and social justice, encourage them to enroll! Our virtual format allows us to reach communities that may not have access to this unique curriculum.
Mark your calendars! Our 2025 events are open to all and start saving the dates and join us!
Help us spread the word by sharing with your friends, family, and community!
For more details email us at
Maraming salamat,
Ann Reginio, Dr. Tony Santa Ana, and BNK Team
Our School's Shared Values
Adding to the embedded thread of humilty, humbleness, and trust
Giving back to our community by paying it forward
Respecting our Elders & Embracing Cultural Differences
Digital Tools We Use